COVID-19 Mega Testing Site Opens Near Atlanta Airport

ATLANTA, Ga. (CW69 News at 10) — At 1800 Sullivan Road in College Park near the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, cars were lined up and filled with drivers waiting to get tested for COVID-19 on August 10, 2020.

Governor Brian Kemp announced the opening of a mega-testing site there in a press conference.

“Testing is a key weapon in our fight to stop the spread of COVID-19. With robust, accurate and accessible testing, we can find the virus, isolate it and prevent the spreading,” Kemp said.

Officials said there are now 170 testing sites across the state, and they said this new site alone has the capacity to test 5,000 people per day.

Kemp said they’re are encouraged by the recent drop in the positivity rate and hospitalizations, but he said there’s still a long way to go.

“Right here in Clayton County we’re seeing one of the highest positivity rates in the state at around 20%. That is unacceptable, and that is why today is so important,” he said.

Kemp was joined by U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams, who said the testing goes hand-in-hand with following the recommended Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention guidelines.

“I want you to understand why taking these public health measures will help you be able to do more of the things that you enjoy: worship, school, restaurants,” said Adams. “I want to see the Falcons and the Hawks play again.”

State officials said hospitalizations are below 3,000 for the first time in three weeks, saying that number is a 10% drop in 10 days.

“The number one predictor of whether or not we are going to be able to safely reopen is whether or not we can continue to drive down positivity rates and cases in Georgia like you have been doing.”

Adams demonstrated how residents will receive a package with a swab to administer the test to themselves. Other than testing, Adams said flattening the curve will depend on people following the three “W’s”: “Wash your hands, wear a mask, and watch your distance.”

Officials said this site is open through August 26th. Appointments and online registering is recommended. For more information, click here.

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